APRIL 2020
TOUS makes its production line available to the health care system to combat COVID-19
TOUS makes the components for the tubing that feeds oxygen in ICUs using its 3D printers.
The jewelry firm has also signed up to the initiative promoted by the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona by donating acrylic sheeting that is used to make protective screens for hospital beds.
TOUS is also in contact with other institutions to up its production and logistics capacity, and give its assistance wherever necessary in the whole of Spain, as well as at an international level.
Printing these polymer parts, essential for joining or conducting the oxygen feed tubes, has already been started up at TOUS’ workshops, which have opened exclusively to make them and have implemented the tightest safety measures based on the protocols established by the authorities to protect the health of workers.
Through this project, TOUS has joined forces with the 3D COVID19.tech initiative, a nationwide platform formed by more than 25 companies and 500 collaborators, which puts businesses with 3D printers in contact with hospitals that require their logistics, through the Official Association of Physicians of Barcelona (COmB) that will receive the materials made by the company for its supplies. Thus, manufacturing capacity will adjust to the needs of the health care system.
In addition, the jewelry firm has responded to the appeal of the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona by donating more than 100 sheets of acrylic (1000 x 600 mm) in varying thicknesses for the production of Plexiglas boxes that protect hospital beds and increase safety when patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 are intubated.
TOUS is in contact with other institutions to up its production and logistics capacity, and give its assistance wherever necessary in the whole of Spain, as well as at an international level.